Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 12-15 Mega Cologne Post #3

So we left the arena and walked a 1/3 mile to the train bridge that crosses the Rhine River. Here is another panorama.

Another with Saviya by the Rhine.

The amazing Dom Cathedral. Started being built in 1280...Took more the 500 years to get to look like this. The Allied bombs were purposely diverted from treasures like this in WWII. Here is Saviya in front of the Dom.

Here Saviya enters the Dom. We walked around the interior for about an hour, totally amazing.

Another of the front side of the Dom, these doors stayed closed.

Some of the detail on the side of the Dom.

Here is some of the back side

Inside had such grand ceilings and massive columns. The condition of the interior is amazing. What little damage exists has been repaired as well as can be without making changes.

Look at the colors and the detail of the cloisters.

Here the pulpit from the pews. Saviya mentioned she has gotten me into church twice now.

Amazing detail in the floors throughout the Dom

Lots of people inside, tourists and those who were waiting for the service a bit later that night.

Here below the floor of the Dom it is legend that the three wise men were buried in here.

These stained glass windows had to be 25 feet high. Again, in amazing condition, they have repaired some or blacked out some damage, but look great for being hundreds of years old.

More interior detail.

So we have been walking around for hours, back to the hotel room after a very expensive dinner.

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