Friday, January 22, 2010

The Great Amsterdam Bike Capers Continue!

This time,  our bikes were not involved! We saw the signs and moved our bikes out of danger. So 700,000 bikes in this city. 50,000 stolen each year..or so they would have us believe! The city came in with less than 2 weeks notice and cut loose 300 bikes!100_0524 100_0525 The trucks would pull up, another 30 bikes would be loaded up and inventoried, driven away and a new truck showed up minutes later.100_0526Here the teams start to pull out the steel bike racks after the bikes are removed in waves. The black dude in the orange, super badass..In the 8 months we lived at our first apartment, he and his crew came in and rearranged whole sections of sidewalk and street pavers. Super efficient, looks great every time…You rock dude..Goed Zo!   100_0533Saviya sent me down for the photo journalism, she watches from above  100_0539Whole piles of the old bike racks…at least the cleaned up some roots so that the Magic Pavers would be even more perfect. One last bike and rack..shacking in its boots…100_0544Even the locals were like “what the heck is the city doing with all those bikes and racks?”100_0546Its break time. Dry bread with cheese, and coffee or tea.100_0548The piles get bigger, the evidence (I mean the signs warning people to move their bikes) are collected and disposed of. 100_0549This might be in a sculpture museum in Holland somewhere… 100_0551 100_0552 Finally the SCRAPER! The bring this green goblin in to do the final cleanup. That circular blueish while it has in front is like a steel brush to clean the Magic Pavers up, so that they again work even more perfectly. This same green tool could clear land mines on the frontlines, it was badass!

Here are 4 videos from the experience


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