Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sept 15 Off to F&$%@#G Bruges! Part 4 of 5

More pictures from the canalboat trip.100_0720The homes along the canals were really nice. I love the step look on the facade of these Flemish buildings. We see this in some of the Netherlands, but is very dominant in Belgium.100_0721Its no wonder somebody chose this unheard of town to film a movie in, its stuck in a wonderful place in time.100_0726 So in the movie, the two characters are supposed to be ‘chilling out’. This is the hotel that they stayed at in the film. We were to broke to afford it this trip, but a really neat looking place.100_0746 I love this picture, with Church of our Lady in the background, and a statue in the foreground, snapped from our canalboat.100_0753We took a walk south of our hotel and came across this interesting round tower..but not really sure what it was…very interesting though…100_0756100_0759 The Belfry looking glorious at night in the lit up square. Look out below!100_0777We took a walk for some shopping…bought the worlds worst Camembert and Apple quiche that neither of us could stomach a single bite! I did buy a wonderful Belgian salami that I wish I had purchased several more of…next time..I always encourage Saviya to try new foods and even if we hate it, it was an experience. Well in this case, you win some you loose some, that quiche was unimaginably terrible.100_0787Here is the Belfry from inside its square. This building is known as the Halletoren, meaning tower halls. We didn't bother hiking to the top of the Belfry or going in the buildings, just not enough time allowed on this trip (plus the climb up the tower in Cologne’s Dom was still fresh in our minds).100_0795

A bit more of the Belfy’s internal square.100_0796


So now is a good time to talk Belgian biere! In every city in Belgium the have these shops called ‘Beeratorium’, ‘Beier Palais’ or some variant on the concept that all they sell is beer, and they are the best. The shop behind me I visited several times (a day) on my Bruges trip. It must have had 200+ beers in bottle and most of those they also had the matching beer glass. With no open container law in most of Europe, you can dopily walk around enjoying the sites with a nice cold brew. This particular brand tasted like aluminum can….want my best choice.100_4571So if there was a reality show following me around this weekend, it would have basically looked like this.100_4573

And in a tribute to an earlier post about the uber manly beer that my buddy chose to drink out of more than 2000 beer choices….Pink Killer! Go John….You go Girl!100_4569Come on, I know at least of few of you would like to try this! (I’m lookin’ at you Todd)100_4574

My favorite beer in Bruges was one from a local brewery. Brugse Zot is like saying ‘local idiot from Bruges’. I found it quite enjoyable…wishing it wasn't 7 euro here in Amsterdam. A clear winner out of the many sampled Belgian beers I sampled that trip.



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