Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sept 15 Off to F&$%@#G Bruges! Part 2 of 5

So maybe i should have mentioned in the last post that my title of these postings isn't our frustration or disgust with Bruges. Once you see the film you will know that I am quoting Colin Farrell’s character…Really, you should see the film!100_0607

So the main square in the old city is amazing. There are wonderful buildings all around, with typical gothic Belgian guilding. There was a stage setup, and all weekend there were performances of popular music and classical.

It was never crowded in Bruges. There was always activity wherever we went, but it was nice an mild pace for a trip (especially for us!). Below are a couple of panorama shots I took of the square. Click on them to see them blown up.100_0609

100_0610 There was a wedding going on inside this building. We walked in to check out what it might contain, but it was closed with the wedding party inside taking pictures.100_0663 100_0665

There was a great old limousine outside waiting as well seen below to the left. Its hard to tell but the building in the middle of the picture had such an amazing tone of gold guilding on it, against the dark stones. Here it doesn't show its true glory, but still what made Bruges so lovely.


The Befry itself is amazing every time you take a look. With it being centrally located, you come across it around every turn. Bruges itself is so small, you can walk from one side to another in less than an hour at a snails pace.100_0622

More cities need a clock I can see from anywhere….with style!


The amazing tower stretches into the sky, especially by the standards of the Flemish or Dutch. 84 meters…The grey sky looks so stark, but I don't remember it being anything but wonderful the whole time we were in Bruges.


So we are totally loving Bruges. Day one comes near its end.


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