Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 3, 2009 Sunday...A weekend off between four holidays

We put in serious mileage in the last five days or so. We were so tired after New York, the flight to Europe and Queen's Day/Night. Our bodies were so tired, our feet needed some rest. We really didnt do much, hit the grocery store, the liquor store and the Albert Cuypmarkt (the public market the next block over). We took a walk a few blocks down to Sarphatipark. It is 2 long blocks long, but nice since the path meanders around a few bodies of water, and there is a dog area and an excercise area (1980's calisthenics style). All the walking and the 6 floors of stairs multiple times per day have been enough exercise...

This morning we were fresh out of bed when we heard music coming from down the block. A band of merry minstrels was walking by. Just a small three-piece, but rocking out so we all could hear.

Later I saw them heading into a pub together..good work guys

So Koninginnennacht and Koninginnedag are behind us, and Nationale Dodenherdenking (Mon) and Bevrijdingsdag (Tues), its nice to have a weekend off between these 4 massive holidays for the locals. Since we are locals now, we are joining into the adventure.......

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