Sunday, May 3, 2009

Our Adventures Begin in Seattle April 23, 2009

April 23, 2009
We begin our move to Europe at 3am after a two hour nap. We did our final packing and hopped into the taxi around 5. After a cross country flight we arrived at JFK in NYC around 3pm EST. We werent looking to worse for wear as we gathered our bags. Look at that pile of stuff, over 250lbs of gear was all we could bring in 2 checked bags each.

We hopped on a 3 hour tour of Queens and Lower Manhattan (actually just the crazy driven SuperShuttle from the airport). Finally around 6pm we arrived at the Millenium Broadway hotel, which is on 44th and 7th, the heart of Times Square. Just 1/2 block from our hotel was all the crazy advertising, lights and commotion of Times Square.

We walked around and soaked in the essence (i.e. smells) of the city than we went back to our suite and crashed....Speaking of suites!!... The hotel booked us into a nice room on the 31st floor that we paid 120 per night for off of Priceline bid (hotel normally 260 per night). We take the elevator up to the room, put in the key and open the door. It only opened a few inches than stopped with the latch lock...But it was just open enough for me to get a full frontal nude shot of the naked asian man standing in HIS room. He said in broken english, "How you get key to my room". I pulled the door shut and went back to the lobby. The upgraded us to a suite on the 50th floor with the view of the NewYearsEve Ball.

Saviya gives the thumbs up to the hotel upgrade and her first trip to New York City.


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